Saturday, July 26, 2014

Get Your Feet Wet

What do we do during crazy Summer storms? Well, for starters we stand on the balcony and enjoy the cool air and lightning show, exclaim over the way the rain falls like white sheets and how the trees can bend so low, then we read stories, maybe watch a movie, play a lot of Uno, and....

Have an acrobatics competition!

                                                      (We could not decide on a winner.)

And when the hail stops and the wind dies down and the lightning moves on then, usually, we go out to splash in puddles and feel the rain on our faces.

Our hair is full of rain,

Our boots are full of mud,

We're soaked to the skin,

And our hearts are full of love~

                                                     Have a beautiful day!

Friday, July 18, 2014


"If you always wear her, she'll never learn to walk."
"If you rock her to sleep, you'll create bad habits."
"If you don't leave her in the nursery/with a sitter, she'll never learn to stay without you."
"If you let her sleep in your bed, you'll never get her out!"
"If you nurse her when she cries, she'll always whine to get what she wants."
"If you pick her up when she falls, she'll never learn to deal with life's hard knocks."
"If you always help her, she'll never learn to do things on her own."
"You shouldn't allow 'tattling', they need to figure it out on their own."

These and other wrong assumptions are a common sounding in our society when it comes to parenthood. I would say that many a new mother's fears are rooted within them. If you are a mother these warnings are likely ringing in your ears by now and unfortunately a good many mother has been undermined by "helpful" observations such as these and the ensuing advice/suggestions/doomsday prophesies of well-meaning if not mistaken friends or family (who have had these unfortunate ideas hounded into them as well so that it becomes a cycle of repetition). The result being that many moms partially or ultimately deny their instincts to the contrary and give way to these and similar fears, and end up parenting in a way which goes against their natural (God-given) instincts about how to raise a child. Many end up forcing their babies and children to do things that they are not developmentally ready for, sleeping on their own, for instance, or feeding at intervals of a set # of hours (rather than on cue i.e. when babe needs it) among countless other things.

The common theme is the issue of independence. The sayings I listed above can all pretty much translate down to "If you do/don't do xyz, your child will never be able to function independently (from you)." I find, however, that there is a great and gaping fallacy in this notion. Forcing babies/children to do things or deal with things that they are not developmentally ready for actually creates an insecurity and it may in fact make it take all the longer for him/her to learn that skill. The beautiful and self-evident truth within the attachment/instinctual/primal/gentle/grace-based/etc. style/s of parenting are that when you the parent act as your child's nest, holding him gently until he is ready to fly, he will be all the more secure and confident when he is ready to do so. Instead of taking off shakily from a perch which has failed to hold him in the past, he can jump fearlessly from a foundation he knows to be solid. He can also fledge with the knowledge that if he falls, a soft landing awaits so that he can return unbroken to try again, and when he soars -and he will- it can be with pride and assurance. I say that he will soar, for the attached and secure child cannot help but soar. All children desire to learn, all children desire to grow, all will learn and grow and there is nothing we can do to stop that, we can hardly hold them back, but we can give them the gift of a rich soil, a firm and sure foundation from which to do so, just as Christ Jesus does for us.

Today I watched my daughters traipse around the village. Well, sort of, because much of the time they were out of my sight. They held hands, they helped each other, but they wanted to do it by themselves. "You stay here mom, we want to go for a walk. It's so fun to go by ourselves!" I gave them a couple pointers, instructions of areas they were to stay away from... And released them. You see, being an attached parent does not mean I force my kids to always be by my side, or that I hover unnecessarily around them at all times, it means that I give them as much support as they want or need until they are ready to do something on their own.

Now, there are times to hold them back now and then when they think they are ready but I perceive something they do not (a hidden danger, for example,) this is an obvious part of the protective nature of parenthood which is necessary to basic safety and is an important aspect of our job. Specifically when this is necessary is left to each individual parent's discernment. But on the whole what I am talking about is letting them let me know when and what they are ready for and letting them test that out in the safe space of our family, then under my eye in the world, and eventually out in the world on their own.

I should also note that this manner of parenting does not mean that boundaries are not set as some might surmise. There is one paved and very busy road at one end of the village where people are notorious for driving without due caution. When my children asked to go for a walk by themselves, I instructed them to stay away from that road and that side of the village. I already know I can generally trust them with an instruction like that and I also knew that the spots they wished to visit were far from there. I also instructed them not to wander far from the paths (which they know quite well from our numerous family walks) or the streams that they often play in and near. Now, had they not followed those instructions, stayed within the boundaries set, they would have lost my trust and would have had to wait until they were displaying a bit more maturity or had in my opinion learned the lesson and then would have been allowed to try again.

As it was, they did stay within the boundaries and had a blast, going back down the trails again and again without me, picking plums in the lane, splashing in the spring, and running through the fields. It blessed and continues to bless my heart seeing how very secure and independent they are today. In fact I can't stop getting comments about "how independent and happy they are". One woman even said to me recently, "Wow, so many kids today are so clingy, I love seeing your little ones out playing so fearlessly!"

I truly and seriously believe this is due to the attached way they've been raised, having needs met when they needed being met, safe in the knowledge that my arms are always there to catch them.

One of my middle daughters was especially needful of my presence, physically, when she was younger. This was less so at home, particularly in public. She is shy. She was almost always to be found on my hip or my arm. I sometimes heard the term "clingy" when others would reference her behavior. I dislike this term immensely because I believe it perpetuates false ideas about children and their needs, but anyway, I took little heed and continued to gently encourage her, but ultimately hold her when she felt unsure or scared, or just wanted my closeness and comfort. You would not recognize her today as that once "clingy" (ugh) child.. She is as independent as her sisters, bold even, yet also the one who is quickest to use common sense. She really thinks about what she does before she does it, a wonderful trait. By fostering to her need for my presence and safety at an earlier age I equipped her with emotional intelligence and the ability to trust herself. I actually encouraged her natural tendency toward level-headedness and caution by trusting her instinctual need for me early on.

Other examples? Our babies all slept in our bed. They all sleep quite happily in their own beds now (except, of course the current baby, who is not yet ready to) with no force or manipulation used on our part to get them there. My babies were all breastfed on cue and well into toddler-hood. They all eat real food now, no force or manipulation needed. They were all worn in slings or wraps as babies and not only can they all walk (not to mention out-run me, lol) but they all walked quite early, varying between 9 and 12 months. I spoke baby talk to them as it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world and they all speak quite well and began speaking around the same time they began walking. I rocked or nursed them all to sleep. They do not need me to now, no forcing there either. I could go on and on with examples. Those are our own experiences and they are not put in here to brag or say I'm a perfect parent, I make mistakes every day, sometimes I downright suck. But I do have a firm belief in the principles I've shared here and evidence in our own family life that supports it.

Please mothers, listen to your instincts. Do not let the world scare or shame you out of parenting your child with mindfulness, gentleness, according to your and your child's actual needs. It turns out so great, I promise! Plus there is so much bonding, relationship and trust building, and sweet memories to be made in the doing of it all, don't let unfounded fears steal that from your both.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Connection Makes It Happen

Cooperation Connection makes it happen

"Wheeeew" My eyes are closed and I am breathing out trying to keep my cool.
One of my daughters is throwing a fit. Writhing and crying and whining about something I think is perfectly ridiculous. Not wanting to do the minuscule amount of schoolwork for the day, particularly the reading portion.
"If you would just cooperate, we could be having so much fun right now. If you would just change your attitude everything would be great and we'd all be enjoying ourselves." I am white-knuckling the back of a chair. "Cooperate so your sisters have a good example." Thinking she's going to make them whine too! The baby will be up soon -we don't have time for this! Everything about this is disintegrating! I'm feeling rushed, my own fears are welling up, and perceiving that things are spiraling out of my control is causing me to feel reactive. I am beginning to grasp at the tendrils of those things inside of me, the things I've been working to change, the patterns of behavior that still surface when I get upset.
Clenched teeth. "Ok. Fine. Girls who cooperate will be able to have a date with Mommy later like we talked about, girls who don't will not be coming." There, that'll show 'em. One girl is behaving quite nicely already and these words work on the other -for a bit. She finishes most of her work, but is soon flopping all over the place like a fish again. "I really don't want to do this reading and I'm not going to!"
I bite my tongue at the very last second before retorting "Fine. But later, I'm really not going to want to take you out and I'm really not going to." The fact that she doesn't want to and won't cooperate in something I just know could be so very enjoyable and beneficial to her really grates.
"Ok. I want you to go take a break for a minute while I finish up with your sister here."
"Fine! But I'm still not doing it even then!" As she runs out the door.
She's sounding so much like me that it's unnerving and makes it even more difficult for me not to lash out. I am louder, I am bigger, I can make you do whatever I want because I am the adult here, raaaaah! But I do stay calm and finish up with the other child who skips happily away. The short passage of time has cooled me down and with that the temptations to react in a temper have flown away.
When I call my daughter back in I am feeling better, but she is not.
"What is going on, honey?" I don't say this in an accusatory "What is wrong with you!" tone, rather a "Tell me what is going on inside of you that is making you feel/think/act this way" tone, this will guide us into a place where we can work towards a solution together. My goal is listening to understand, rather than accusing to seek revenge or restitution. I once heard someone say that "empathy equals your pain in my heart." This is what I am striving for, empathy. I want to know what is at the seed of the problem, rather than dealing with the crops of anger and acting out which are stemming from it so that I can help my child with what is really ailing her on a heart level. This is what Christ does with us, taking us down to the root of our issues so that true healing can happen. Since we want to be Christ-like leaders, then this is what we should try to do as well.
"Really, Mom, I just don't want to do this right now! Why would you have me do this when I'm not feeling good!"
"Well, I think you seemed to be feeling fine a little while ago... Do you want to do it later?"
(None of my responses are perfect, by the way, which I am acutely aware of and always cause me to feel even more flustered, but I am learning too.)
Grumbling, "Nooo..."
"Hmm, I guess it just makes me sad that you don't want to do this when I feel like we could be having a lot of fun learning together..." She doesn't seem to want to talk, so I blabber on (at this point, I could have instead asked her some questions to probe gently deeper, or I could have sat back in silence or held her close and let her spill it out bit by bit when she was ready, but I fill the space with my words, admittedly, not the best strategy,) "Reading is something I really enjoy so I guess it makes me sad that you don't want to do it. I can't tell you how much I love to sit down with a good book and read. I mean, I love stories and I know you do too, because you LOVE me to read to you. Think how cool it would be to sit down and read your own story to yourself, you can be right there, in the book! And I can read a lot faster in my head than out loud, so-"
"THAT"S the problem!" She interrupts, "I don't like doing it out loud to you, it's so... Too much like work! I just like to read to myself, like I was doing earlier today by myself and it was so much fun!"
"Oh... I see. Hmm, well I think we can fix that... Would you like me to give you something to read each day that you could read alone quietly by yourself in your own time, and then tell me about it later?"
"Yes! That's what I like!"
"Well, ok, gosh, problem solved!"
We continued to talk and both felt great afterwards.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." (emphasis mine)
I was so glad I chose to try connecting rather than punishing, for that would not have solved the real problem, only shoved it deeper and it would have sprung up again and again in different ways. Instead of refusing to meet her need for connection and understanding, (not to mention finding a solution that worked for both of us,) I would only have been satisfying my own selfish pride, my "need" to be right and in control, in that way it would have been destructive to both of us when our goal should be building each other up.

You see, I had been wrongly interpreting my daughter's actions as meaning that she hated reading, and indeed, she even had used those words before. This filled me with dread and fear and made me want to press harder. But the real problem was that she was not enjoying the out-loud reading to me because it felt too formal and forced and anyway the distractions around us made it difficult to concentrate (which we also talked about for she had often complained of the noise from the other children or from the street below bothering her. Of course we tried to do our reading at a time when there would be minimal distractions, but even an occasional interruption threw her off and frustrated her.)
We did go on a one-on-one date to a coffee shop later that day. We had a blessed conversation together, just the two of us, connecting and bonding and I am so glad I did not throw that time away for the sake of my own pride and refusal to meet her needs!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Problem With Hitting

Here we will look at some Bible verses that are very familiar to most Christian parents, they've been burned into our minds, after all, as well as some verses which aren't so often looked at, and we will closely examine all of these. I will start with some of the less quoted (at least, less quoted in the context of parenthood) and also look at other aspects of the issue.


"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." This statement is repeated throughout the Old and New Testaments and we are quick to use this as a mantra when we are discussing a Christian's role in the world, particularly when someone hurts us, or when we see something bad happening. Although we may be prompted to act in some fashion, we are definitely not to act out in anger or to take vengeance into our own hands in these situations, because, hey, vengeance belongs to the Lord. And rightly so. Now think about this verse in relation to parenting. We're not so quick to apply it there though, eh? I often wondered why not. It's not as though it reads, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord -unless it's your kids, then have at it!" It's outside our comfort zones, I suppose, because to admit that this truth applies to all areas of our lives might bring us to the uncomfortable possibility that punishment may not be a parent's right at all. What is punishment truly, other than vengeance? Vengeance which clearly ain't ours to met out. Period. That much is plain to see.
"But God punishes us and we are to be God in our child's life!"
As disturbing as that statement actually is if you think about it, it is dismaying how prevalent this idea is in "Christian" circles. Let me make something very, very clear. YOU are not God. You are not to be God. The only Person who is to BE God in your child's life is GOD. The. End. You are however to strive towards holiness in yourself and to guide your children toward that end, but never by force as no one become heart-holy, truly saved, set apart, or on the road of righteousness by another human's power. You are also to adapt a servant-leader example (as opposed to the Lord Over All example many take) as Christ did and commanded we also do. This means as a Pastor, as a friend, as a spouse, as a brother or sister in Christ and yes, as a parent as well. Hard to swallow, but contrary to popular cultural belief, we actually are to be servant leaders in our families. This means self-sacrifice. This means doing what is hard and controlling our tempers, controlling our desires, controlling our actions, responses, and reactions. VERY hard, I admit because I know, but I, you, as a parent, a teacher, a guide, must be self controlled. That does not just mean keeping our cool while we beat our child (as some authors chillingly suggest,) It means not beating our child as we try to met out some twisted sort of vengeance -even if we really want to because they annoyed, angered, or shamed us or did something wrong!- because, as we've just learned, vengeance does not belong to us!

The Unforgiving Parent

Many "Christian" authors and parenting "experts" teach out of one side of their mouths that our homes should be filled with forgiveness and grace, yet out of the other side also justify striking children for their offenses (for which offenses and how often is disagreed upon by all, because of course, this is purely based in opinion, and not true biblical teaching.) This leads me to believe that the word forgiveness may be being gravely misunderstood. Let me show you a story that Jesus shared when his own disciples (whom though he sometimes scolded, he never hit, I might add) approached him asking about forgiveness.

The parable is entitled The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) in which Jesus tells of a servant of the king who owes this king a great deal of money. The servant does not have the money to pay back the king and falls before the king, begging to be given more time. Having pity on the man, the king cancels his debt completely. Immediately afterwards this man goes out, finds another servant who owes him a relatively quite small amount and demands to be repaid. When the fellow servant begs for more time the first servant hardens his heart and has the other thrown in prison until his debt could be repaid. Word of this quickly gets round to the king from his other servants who were (rightly) outraged by what they heard and saw, the king becomes very angry. He calls for the servant to be brought back before him, saying to him, "‘You wicked servant, I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?'" (v. 32-33) He then has the man thrown in prison and the last verse of the story reads, "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart." (v.35)

"But this passage isn't directed at parents!" You say? I submit that any passage which speaks to human relations and treatment of our fellow man speak to all people unless a specific limit is placed in the text, (husbands to wives, for example) regardless of age (or race, gender, etc.) We must stop thinking of children as some lesser-other kind of-not really yet- People. Children are as much human persons as you or I with the same human rights, in need of our utmost patience, gentleness, and loving care. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ who deserve the same grace as we say we should show our other fellow believers. If anything we should be more gracious to them because of their tender age.

And what do we learn from this parable in relation to parenting? Exacting payment (punishment/spanking) and then "forgiving" is hypocritical, as it would be by any other account, to any other person. This is not true forgiveness and to do so is an oxymoron. It is not Biblical treatment of anyone, least of all the "least of these."


"Fathers do not exasperate your children." (from Col. 3:21,)This verse -this command- is repeated in the New Testament (It is also found in Ephesians). Let me just throw this out there, being struck exasperates all children, all the time. "Or they will become discouraged" is how the command ends in Colossians. We are not to do things which discourage our children. Spanking is certainly discouraging. Interesting to think about those lines for a moment, but I leave you with that to mull over and move on.

Does Correction Have A Place?

Biblically, it absolutely does! But what does the Bible say about correction? Firstly, it is a private affair (Matt. 18:15) (no more internet shaming folks, sorry,) secondly (looking at Galations 6:1 here) it is to be done humbly, in all gentleness, while watching out that we too are not in sin, and solely for the purpose of restoration or building up (as opposed to the purpose of seeking revenge for an offense, which is the difference between correction and punishment and is a very important difference.) Correction should be done with "complete patience" (2 Tim. 4:2) and with this awesome thing called grace which is to permeate our lives (1 Peter 4:10). Lastly it is to be done with encouragement (1 Thess. 5;11, Heb. 3:13), comfortingly (2 Corinth. 2:7.) and while bearing each other's burdens, (Gal. 6:2) (That's where that whole, "servant leadership" thing comes into play.) This is Biblical correction. Not beating, hitting, hurting, or violence of any form.

Philippians 4:5 says, "Let your gentleness be evident to all," Not "Let your gentleness be evident to all except your naughty child." Not "Let your gentleness be evident to all unless you are really "righteously" angry." No. "Let your gentleness be evident to all." Period.

Frankly, there are so many gentle, positive and encouraging ways to correct, guide, and re-direct our children when it is necessary that resorting to hitting is nothing less than reactive, if not prideful, and lazy parenting. When I use the word "reactive", I mean our sinful and pride-filled response to an affront, i.e. sinning in our anger (even if we are keeping our emotions or tone of voice under control in the moment,) taking vengeance into our own hands and not responding with sympathy, understanding and compassion as we are supposed to.

A Cultural Malady

Whether raised in the Church or out, most of us have grown up with hitting all around us, with mantra's about "kids today" and "spoiling" children and so on and so forth (utter nonsense, by the way), where striking a young child for an offence is both accepted and encouraged. I submit that this is a cultural problem and that when we in the Church go along with this notion that we are giving in to a sinful and twisted cultural norm that has NO PLACE in a Christ-centered family (or, indeed, any family.) Another of Satan's devious attacks on the family, a seed, sadly, deeply rooted and planted by him which will only bear bad fruit.

A Bad Fruit

It is often said that "the problem with the world today is parents refuse to discipline their children" (meaning hit,) or "Less people would be in prison if parents weren't afraid to spank their kids," or something similar. Do you really believe that the men and women behind bars today are those who weren't hit?! If you mistakenly think this then let me assure you, quite the opposite is true. It is reported that over 80% of inmates were raised with hitting. In fact, according to studies, spanking actually increases the risk of later involvement in crime. Which makes sense. Treat a child violently (yes, spanking is a violent act, it is aggressive, demeaning, and a physical assault) and that is how he will treat others. Does it make sense to tell a child "Haven't I told you not to hit your sister!" and accompany that with a smack on the bum? Or "Your hands aren't for hitting!" with a slap on the wrist? This is nonsensical at best, at worst a confusing abuse!
The science has come back conclusively, again and again, children who are punished with spanking show more aggression than those who are not.
For more on that, read here.

If there is a problem with kids today, it's that they are being shown violence instead of grace. If there is a problem with parents today it's that they are parenting punitively and operating under a false sense of entitlement. Yes, you read that right. They feel entitled to treat their kids how ever they darn well please, regardless of what actually works or is actually beneficial, because they too grew up being hit, manipulated, and forced into submission by grown ups. Now that they are the grown up themselves they revert to what some might call a "child-like mindset" that they should get whatever they want, whenever, because hey, they're the grown up. It's so backwards from what the Bible teaches us about servant leadership and brotherly love that it's not even funny. This is the spoiled fruit of spanking.

The long and short of it is that spanking produces bad fruit, terrible fruit. As Christian parents we must help to tend and cultivate the gardens of our children's hearts in a way that produces good fruit. In fact that good fruit is detailed for us in Galatians. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Gal. 5:22-23) Spanking produces none of these.

What About That Rod?

"Spare the rod, spoil the child!" Before anyone quotes this to me, please let me inform you that this saying does not come from the Bible directly. Rather it is a line from an erotic poem where the woman is the "child" and the "rod" sexual foreplay. And maybe don't ever quote that to anyone again in regards to children, pleaseandthankyou.

There are 5 verses in the Proverbs which refer to a "rod" and one in Hebrews (ref.12:6) which refers to the Lord "scourging" those he loves as a form of discipline and relates this to fathers with their sons.

Let us discuss this Hebrews verse first, and then we'll dig into the proverbs.

Hebrews 12:6 reads(and here the author is actually referring back to a verse in Deuteronomy,) "because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son..." and goes on to say, (v.7) "It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?"
The word translated here as chastises/scourges/punishes/chastens, depending on the version you have in front of you can mean to beat with whips, it can also mean simply to scold. It makes sense that if the writer were being allegorical,  he might use the word scourge to give us a picture of a firm admonishment, but either way, I think we can safely agree that the meaning here doesn't have to mean literally, physically, beat or strike (does God come down and literally cut us with whips as a part of his discipling of us, his followers? Is this the example Jesus gave in training his disciples? Hopefully we can collectively agree on No to both of those.) And in any case, this would have been directed not at little children, but at young men, as we will see in a moment.

Now the infamous "rod verses". We must understand firstly that Proverbs is neither a book of commands nor a book in which every verse always has a literal meaning. It is a book of truisms and advice and is written in a poetic form. Not every word of every proverb is meant literally. Another (less popular, for obvious reasons,) Proverb reads, "When you sit down to dine with a King, consider carefully what is put before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are a man of great appetite." (Proverbs 23:1-2) If this is to be taken literally, then I think a lot of us are in a bit of danger, wouldn't you say? Ironically, many men I have seen advocating for the literal use of a rod on a literal small child would appear to be men of great appetites indeed, and as I see their heads still securely attached to their necks I have no choice but to assume they are all either great hypocrites, or that perhaps we are not to read absolutely literally into every verse here (or, quite possibly, both.)

So what do these verses mean?

Well, let's break down the wording and then we'll look at the essence. The word "child" in all 5 of the verses is literally translated as "young man". The original Hebrew word is "na' ar" and it does not refer to small children, there are other names for those in the Hebrew. You see, in the times the Proverbs were being written, young men -scholars believe between the pre-teen and the twenty-something age range- would typically begin in training as soldiers and it is to them that these verses are directed. I do not believe that the "rod" which is spoken of is referring to a literal rod, however whether it is or is not, it clearly is not intended for young children, rather for the backs of unruly and foolhardy young men, beginning right around the age most parents today typically stop spanking, as it is ironically considered inappropriate by then in our culture today (not to mention it is unlawful.) In fact, many scholars believe that under Jewish law at the time it was actually illegal to physically strike a child under the age of 7, which was considered a sort of grace and gentle nurturing period of life in Jewish tradition.

This rod, however, does not speak to a literal rod, stick, or staff as some would suggest, rather it is a symbol. As the horn is the biblical symbol of strength, so the rod is the biblical symbol of God's authority or law. 1 Corinthians 4: 21 refers to a "rod of discipline," but surely we are to take that as I have shown above and we do not believe that Paul would have come upon the Corinthians with sticks or clubs (or pvc piping, for that matter,) but rather with stern words and a reminder of the law and authority which the church he was writing to was flaunting.

The essence of the verses we have so often heard repeated to support the punishing our little ones through spanking in reality goes something this: "The law of God is useful in training young men who are given to foolishness."

Psalm 94:12 "Blessed is the one you discipline, LORD, the one you teach from your law;"

And it's a simple as that.

A Heart Matter

A really important piece of all this is that some parents believe they can, well, basically spank sin out of their children or spank goodness into them. This is usually because of a mistaken understanding of the proverb which speaks of  the rod driving folly out of the son. But as we have already seen, the rod should be understood as firm teaching in the Word.
People can't change people. This cannot be said enough. As a parent there is much I can do to encourage spiritual growth, godliness, and goodness in my children, as well as firm but gentle and compassionate ways to guide them away from that which is negative. But I can never make them into anything. Trying to force godliness on anyone, our kids included, will often produce the opposite result. It is a great fallacy to think that by my own parental (human) power I can drive sin out of them or goodness into them. The same applies to any idea of obedience. Obedience is a heart issue and you. can. not. change your child's heart by your own power, regardless of your methods. Trying, again, will inwardly, if not outwardly, produce destructive results in the child.
When I was young and forced to apologize to my brother for something I remember always saying the words I was told to say, "I'm sorry for__" then turning and whispering "just kidding" or "no I'm not" under my breath when my Mother was safely out of hearing range. Why? Because 1) I was afraid of punishment. I would have gotten in trouble if I hadn't said it (or my Mom heard me "taking it back.") and 2) I wasn't really sorry for what I had done. Outwardly it looked as if I were complying meekly, but inwardly I was rebelling and generally the harder I was forced to comply outwardly the more inwardly I would rebel. We cannot police our children's thoughts, indeed, they must learn to control their own thoughts and actions and punishment cannot achieve this on a true heart level on anyone, old or young. Perhaps you think I was just a brat, but I reason that I was Every Child for we are all born with rebellion in our hearts which no amount of force or manipulation can expel from us. If it could, we would have a lot of sinless adults walking around and the Bible tells us that this is simply not possible, our sinfulness will be with us until we are in heaven and that is the great news of the gospel, that instead of us having to pay for our sins, Christ took the punishment upon himself that we may live freely under grace (though we are not to flaunt it, read Romans 6 for more on the subject) and washed us as "white as snow."

Romans 3:23-24 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

So yes, outward behaviors can be modified, somewhat in some kids, more in others, little or none in some (who might wrongly be labeled "delinquents,") depending on personality. But by the power and force of man's hand it is only a farce. True heart-change come only from knowing God. This is why we are instructed to bring our children up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Teaching them to know God, through
prayer, worship, instruction through his Word and the study of it is what will guide them towards relationship with him and thereby sanctification, which is the work of God and God only.

"Little Sinners"

Please please please people, do not refer to your children dismissively as "little sinners" unless you are acutely aware that they are no greater sinners than you yourself at this very moment. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23) Yes, we are born under the curse of sin and with natural inner bent towards it. But the Bible repeatedly refers to children as "innocent". Young children are innocent in God's eyes, for they do not yet have an understanding of their nature, of sin, of the things that they do or of true natural consequence. The Bible shows us that in fact God takes special pity and compassion on the young and innocent (Jonah 4:11, Isaiah 42:11, Matthew 19:14) In fact Jesus praises their innocence and reminds his disciple that we are to strive to be more like children! (Luke 18:16-17)

A Word To Paedobaptists and to Reformers

I can see how a man in the faith who believes that this religion is really "just for grown ups" -meaning that he does not believe that young children can be saved, that baptism is only for adults, and that salvation can be lost and was not written out before all time- I can see how this man could justify spanking, for no Bible verse then would apply to children but those directed specifically to them. He could twist out some sort of justification of physical punishment. However, to those of us who see salvation as an eternal act, a predestined work that is always working. How can we say, as is obviously true, that these same children are our brothers and sisters in Christ yet justify physically striking them? Does that not make us hypocrites of the worst kind? Unless we treat everyone in the Church that way, then yes! Why are we saying we believe one thing and then practicing something which at it's core flies right in the face of that which we purport to believe and strive to live out? I think it's a shame.

For further reading on the subject of spanking and the Bible I suggest this post, excellently laid out, or this great one, or this, and the wonderful work by Samuel Martin, entitled "Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort me: Christians and the Spanking Controversy." His blog is here. I should note that the author has generously offered this book in e-form free to any who ask until spanking has been eradicated.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

To A Friend Lost

I sit before the screen,
I don't know what to say,
I never imagined
you would hurt me this way~

With out question,
not even checking to see,
you believed others' lies
and abandoned me~

I still cry,
I remember,
I still think of you,
Do you care?
Do you ever
think of me too?

I want you back,
I don't care what they say,
You couldn't have persuaded me
to leave you this way~

"If they don't love you,
Let 'em go!"
The world taunts
only to put on a show~

I don't believe it,
Christians should know
that brotherly love's hard,
But the only way to go~

Have you completely
written me off?
When reconciling is broached
you seem only to scoff~

But I bet there are burdens
I don't know you're bearing,
I bet there are weights
I don't know you're carrying~

If you would only
share them with me,
I bet we'd both
be easier, free~

Let's talk like we need to
about what went wrong,
Then we could forgive, move forward
before very long~

That's the first step,
To save our Sister-in-Christ

I know it's complex,
But shouldn't we try?
Who knows, we could end up
seeing eye to eye~

My arms are open,
My chest raw with pain,
If only you'll come
be my friend again~