About Me

I'm called to be Mother, Mommy, Mom, MOOOM, and Mama to four beautiful girls! I am not perfect and don't claim to be, my kids aren't perfect either and that's ok with me (though I will say they're perfectly adorable). We are all forgiveness seekers here and no one should put himself above another, for servant-hood is the true leader's heart and Christ's covering is free to all. I'm a conservative hippy, a lover of nature. I believe the Bible and all it says. I'm a free-style parent, a giver and receiver of grace, a nest for my birdies, and a kisser of tiny toes. I love whimsy. I want the best for my kids, but also know that sometimes life is good enough -and that's enough. I'm learning contentment. My wild ones are wonderful and I am blessed to be learning as they are learning, teaching them and allowing them to teach me, growing with them in ways I never thought possible or knew I needed growing. God is funny like that. He gives us what we most need and usually it's a surprise, though a good one if we'll take it. That doesn't mean it's always easy, in fact it's usually pretty hard, but there is beauty in working towards betterment and the best things in life take time and careful tending.

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