As I stood up my knees began to quake a little and my belly flip-flop with what I realized was nervous excitement, the kind I suppose many Mom's feel when taking that kind of test. "I'm really about to find out... No more dismissing it as 'my period is probably just late.'" I took the cup and the dropper and the test into my room and closed out the sound of the kids roughhousing in the living room with my husband. I dripped a few drops on the correct spot and waited. When the test line appeared, bright, but all alone, I felt an odd mix of relief and sadness.
"Oh, I guess not... Hmm, itreallywouldn'thavebeenthebesttimeforitanywaybutgoshIthoughtIwasandwhytheheckis myperiodsolate?"
Then I remembered how the instructions said it could take a few minutes and I had a flash back of another pregnancy test, not so very long ago, whose second line was so faint that I almost missed it, too.
I peered closely at the test strip on my dresser and veeery slowly another line began to appear, at first only a shade darker than the background, but darkening with each passing moment.
Oooooh myyyyy goooosh....
Oh. My. Gosh!
I walked out towards the living room, passing the one and a half year old, elbow high in a toilet paper clogged sink in the bathroom. I plucked her out of her mess and strode into the living room, grabbing a diaper and the wet ones on the way, and plunked her down for a change. In my other hand I grasped the test.
"What is that?" My three year old says, pointing. "I want some! Can we eat it? Or is it just for smelling?
I laughed and I couldn't conceal my goofy grin.
"What? What is it?" My husband asks, alarmed, as he notices the look on my face.
"I naycake, I naycake! (I'm naked!)" The wriggly one beneath me shouts gleefully as I try to wrastle her into the diaper.
I glance sheepishly up at him as the toddler runs off (still naycake.)
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