Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reading a story when you still have just one child, vs when you have three. Go.

Here's what it's like to read a story to your toddler when you still just have one kid:

"Goodnight Moon. In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon..." Continues thus until the end: "Goodnight noises, everywhere." The end! Snuggle snuggle, kiss kiss.

Here is what it's like to (try to) read a story to your toddler when you now have multiple children.

"Goo- wait, hunny, let Mommy help you with that- Ok, Goodnight Moon. In the great gree- Hey. You. Climb down from there please. What? No, you may not eat a spoon of sugar. Yes you did have a treat this morning, remember? Daddy brought you one. Get down please. Thank you. Now, In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon, and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon. -What? Oh, that's her udder, it's where the baby cow drinks milk from. I know there's no baby cow in this story -hey, let's see what happens next! There were three little bears, sit- Huh? I don't know where your toy seal is, hunny. Is it in your room?.. Did you take it into the bathroom? Oh good, ok, um... There were three little bears, sitting on chairs, and two little kittens, and a pair of mittens -What? No, I don't know where your seal's crown is." By this time, the toddler is rolling off your lap, trying to slam the book closed on your fingers going, "All done! All done! Now dis one!" Because you are boring her to death with this and she thinks maybe it's that particular book that was the problem. But don't worry, you have three kids so by now you've accumulated a huuuge stack of books to get through. :)
(Oh, and there's still plenty of time for snuggles and kisses, thank goodness!)

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